I can totally nerd out over a useful business tool, and anything that helps me organise and run my business (and make my life easier) is a must have!
I can totally nerd out over a useful business tool, and anything that helps me organise and run my business (and make my life easier) is a must have!
But what is a brand strategy you say? It is the foundation of your brand. From a carefully curated bio, a mission statement, the brand's guiding values, unique selling proposition, brand personality (playful or strong, humorous or sassy) tone of voice (how that personality comes through in your copy), target audience, content pillars and more! So why do I suggest you invest in your brand strategy (either before or in conjunction with your visual branding)? It is the foundation of your business. It sets the tone (literally & figuratively) for everythi[...]
During a discovery call this week, I had a client mention that she has seen all this talk about ‘telling your brand story’, but doesn’t really want to talk about her kids or the fact that she’s a mother- in fact she wanted to separate her business so that she wasn’t thought of as a ‘mum with a side hustle’ and be taken seriously within her field. And I’m here to tell you that weaving the story of your brand throughout your message (be it via visuals, website copy and socials) doesn’t equal telling your life story and broadcasting your private[...]
I'd like to unpack the idea that your logo needs to say everything about your business. When you think about well-known businesses (think Apple, Coke, Nike, Toyota) how many of those have exactly what they sell in their logos? (LITERALLY NONE OF THEM!) These brands draw you in for their reputations, or the use of colour, their fun copywriting or the feeling they leave you with when you interact with them. You may just remember their logo icon, or their pattern. Here's why simplicity often wins: Versatility: A simple logo is like a chameleon; it can adapt to var[...]